Accounting and assurance standars – Potpourri of accounting standards

Length: 7 h 00

New training for 2024-2025


  • Intangible assets
  • Cloud computing arrangements
  • Impairment of long-lived assets
  • Disposal of long-lived assets and discontinued operations
  • Asset retirement obligations

Certain sections of this handbook contain additional presentation requirements for financial information. In addition, these sections also cover revisions to accounting estimates that apply well after the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in the financial statements. These standards apply to private enterprises (private enterprises) and not-for-profit organizations (not-for-profit organizations).

The goal of this course is to review the specific requirements of accounting standards, with practical examples of calculations and worksheets for audit or review files. These specific requirements entail additional work for management preparing the financial statements, or in practice for CPAs, who will have to document these additional requirements in their review or audit files and prepare financial statements.


Intangible assets (3064 in the Handbook)

  • Initial recognition and valuation
  • Subsequent measurement using examples
  • Practical examples of worksheets and notes for financial statement disclosures

Customer’s accounting for cloud computing arrangements (AcG-20 in the Handbook)

  • Identification of cloud contract components
  • Initial accounting and choice of simplified method
  • Practical examples of worksheets and notes for financial statement disclosures

Impairment of long-lived assets (3063 of the Handbook)

  • Recognition and determination of impairment
  • Testing recoverability and fair value estimates
  • Practical examples of worksheets and notes for financial statement disclosures

Disposal of long-lived assets and discontinued operations (3475 of the Handbook)

  • Long-lived assets held for sale on the balance sheet
  • Discontinued operations in the income statement
  • Financial statement presentation and notes
  • Practical examples of worksheets and notes for financial statement disclosures

Asset retirement obligations (3110 of the Handbook)

  • Scope of applications
  • Initial recognition and revision of accounting estimates
  • Examples of asset retirement obligation calculations and worksheets in audit or review files
  • Practical examples of worksheets and notes for financial statement disclosure

Last but not least

  • Presentation of these requirements with the Paradigme Questionnaires
  • Practical examples:
    • Case and solutions
    • Examples of obtaining audit evidence for audit or review files
    • Examples of notes to financial statements
  • Discussion with participants

Sign up

To schedule your training, please contact André Mignault.

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